Workshop Niny Funk pro 5. a 6. ročník

Vzdělávání / 29. 10. 2022 /



Originally from Germany, Nina Funk is currently based in Amsterdam. She has been studying Countertechnique intensively since 2013, including three One Body One Career Intensives. She was certified as a Teacher Countertechnique in 2016 and attended successfully a second Countertechnique Teacher Training program in 2020.

After graduating in 2008 from the BA Dance Teacher department at the ArtEZ School of Dance in Arnhem (The Netherlands), Nina continued her studies at Trinity Laban in London. She also took workshops with Batsheva Dance Company and Hofesh Shechter Company.

Dancing, choreographing and teaching are three elements of equal importance for Nina. In each element she finds inspiration to develop herself further and to share her passion with others. As a dancer, Nina has performed in the work of choreographers such as Wies Bloemen, Fleur Darkin, Adriaan Luteijn, Lorenzo Borella and Marc Brew. Currently, she holds a teaching position at the ArtEZ School of Dance. Nina also works as a freelance teacher and choreographer in various other places in The Netherlands and abroad. She has for several years been part of the education department of contemporary ballet company Introdans and has continued to work for them as freelance teacher and dancer, where she performed in inclusion work of Adriaan Luteijn for the first time. Nina worked for him as assistant choreographer with Flatfoot Dance Company in Durban (SA). Since then Nina’s interest in working, creating and dancing with different groups and dancers with all kind of abilities has grown and is still a big interest in her work.

“ My first Countertechnique class was an incredible experience: I felt so ready, free and warmed up, I didn’t want to stop dancing. After that initial class, I just wanted to repeat the experience over and over, to reproduce this same feeling. The class is so cleverly structured, step by step it builds the awareness of your body and the space around you, and the possibilities to use them - and then finally you find yourself flying through the room! What stuck with me the most in all the last years practicing Countertechnique as a dancer, was that I should always stay in the process, make a clear choice which of the tools available I wanted to use and then go for it full out. Dancing is this unique moment, never the same. But the more you understand your body and the possibilities it has, the more you can explore it, get the most out of every moment and have fun playing around and dancing."
