Workshops of Francesca Pedulla in Duncan Centre

26. 11. 2021 – 29. 11. 2021
Duncan Centre Conservatory

Workshop with Francesca Pedulla – Trampoline included/ Games and instructions for bouncing. Through the lens of Axis Syllabus.

The bones and softer tissues collaborate to provide resilient tensegrity that allows us to break free of the earth’s gravitational field and experience the ephemeral joy of weightless flight.

In this workshop we will review timing and coordination, alignment and safety protocols for shock absorption and propulsion and we will discuss how we can turn gravitational forces to our favour.

The AXIS SYLLABUS is a human movement lexicon that interrelates information from anatomy, biomechanics and physics to universal movement principles.

Originally consolidated by Frey Faust, the AS has become a movement and research platform for the ASIRN (Axis Syllabus International Research Network). Hailing from diverse areas of expertise, ASIRN members are exploring the kinetic potential of the human body and developing functional movement patterns beyond esthetic criteria. They are physically applying, exploring and counterchecking the data gathered in the AS and also introducing new empirical/scientific data to the group, which keeps the AS evolving constantly.

In AS classes certified teachers are fostering collaborative and explorative learning situations and propose models for a joyful way of moving in accordance with our body structure and its physical context.
As a reference for locomotion, The Axis Syllabus reflects on how we might move and dance in a health-promoting and respectful manner - towards ourselves and others with whom we are sharing movement, time and space.

Francesca Pedullà

Axis Syllabus teacher, dancer, choreographer and independent curator. She graduated in History of Theatre and Performing Arts.  She holds a diploma as a professor of African Dance Expression - FEIDA Bordeaux, directed by Koffi Koko.

Fascinated by human relationships and interested in successful, unsuccessful and unfinished dialogues she makes the body the subject and the object of her inquiry.

Based in Berlin, but always in movement, she choreographs, performs and teaches throughout Europe, Israel, the USA, Canada, Brazil and Benin.

She is the artistic director of TRACES, study program for dancers based in Ouidah – Benin and co-curator of the European Nomadic College and the Sensing In Festival in Berlin.